Asaf's technical blog

detecting high server load using toobusy.js


toobusy.js is a nice little Node.js library that helps you detect when your server is experiencing high load. The idea is that when your server is overwhelmed with requests, it is better to drop some requests than to stop working altogether.


toobusy.js works by measuring the lag, the duration an event is delayed in the event loop until it gets served. A server is considered busy if the lag gets above some predefined threshold.

There are two ways you can interact with toobusy.js: you can either register to a LAG_EVENT event which fires once the server is found to be busy, or you can actively query the busy state by calling the toobusy() predicate.

Two examples for places you can use toobusy are in a middleware which returns Service Unavailable (HTTP status code 503) to client if server is busy, or in a health check endpoint which your load balancer pings.

Notice that in this post I’m referring to a fork of the original library. This fork has rewritten the code using pure Javascript, replacing the native C++ code used by the original.

Measuring the event loop lag

toobusy.js works by setting up a repeated event to fire every interval ms, and measuring the time difference between successive invocations. As we know, once an event is triggered it gets pushed to the back of the events queue, but it only gets handled when all prior event handlers have finished and it reaches the head of the queue. Thus the event loop lag is equal to the difference between the time passed since the previous event was handled and the interval itself.

let interval = 500; // the default value, can be tweaked
let lastTime =;
setInterval(function() {
  const now =;
  let lag = now - lastTime;
  lag = Math.max(0, lag - interval);
}, interval);

Smoothing the measurement

It is normal for the measured lags time series to be quite erratic. Just like your CPU usage, it experiences many small spikes and they should not immediately indicate a high load event.

To reduce false positives, toobusy.js uses two techniques:

  • It smoothes the lag series fluctuations by applying exponential smoothing. Assuming currentLag is the ongoing lag series and lag is the lag just measured, we use .

  • Use some randomness. Even if currentLag goes over the threshold, the process is not always ‘too busy’. The farther it goes over the threshold, the more likely the process will be considered too busy. The percentage is equal to the percent over the max lag threshold. So 1.25x over the maxLag will indicate too busy 25% of the time. 2x over the maxLag threshold will indicate too busy 100% of the time.
